Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Profile pic

God help me, Amy - MUST get rid of that profile pic!!!!!!!!!!! I hate the side profile of me... Laptop is back from the doctor so I will email a better one a-sap. Also, have to work out how to make our background that image we decided on - will do that this weekend.


The Work Treadmill - what's with that?!

Don't worry Miss A, you could forgive me for being slack myself. But then that is actually incorrect, as it's just been crazy-busy here at work. So depressing, I have brain cells dying at a rate of knots each and every day. It's all I can do not to slam my forehead down into the (sharp) edge of my desk so that a) for once, something exciting happens here at work and b) someone takes me to the Hospital to spend the rest of the day. At least there'd be plenty of action there, and I could sit quite happily with massive indentation across my forehead like a gory mono-brow watching contentedly. I hate to be the downer, and I know I've moaned (probably whinged is more applicable) to you for ages about this, but I just. can't. take. it. any. more.

I've started cleaning up my outlook and archiving other folders, in anticipation of the day I walk out of this place - you know, trying to practice that whole Secret philosophy. Though my desk is pretty bare already (given I've been packing up for a few months now! ha-ha!). Anyone who walked in here and saw me/my desk would know I've checked-out...

There is a job going at a boutique advertising agency down here as Project Manager - looks cool, in a great location in the city and they have a 3-legged golden retriever as the HR-slash-receptionist!! I am going to apply, and am also investigating picking up an Interior Design Diploma part time over the next couple of years. Like I said, it's time for action, but so difficult when it's not clear to you what you need to do! You're supposed to do your passion, but isn't it sad when you don't actually know what that is? I have lots of little passions, but can't decide which to focus on...

So cute - yes you are right, your nef will be a SPONGE right now - god help me for any children I might have! Speaking of which, had a very vivid dream the other night about having a baby. Was weird, but cool - the best thing was, I had it (was themost gorgeous smiley girl - lucky it didn't have teeth like that baby in the last Twilight book - hahaha - I looked!!) and my dream totally skipped the labour part - skipped from being preggers totally to a wee 8 month old! I told Cam and he has been calling my bluff "well, if you really seriously want to have a baby, we can have one" "but you need to remember you can't give it back or sell it or anything... you have to be beholden to it for life" - it's funny, the moment you know you can, you start finding excuses why you can't? Having a house would be a good start.... and having a partner with a well-paid job...

Must say, am loving Redken's Anti-Snap - brilliant! You know how I spent heaps of $ on microdermabrasion to try and look more youthful and fresher? Well, I have been using bio-oil on my face to try and sort out my tone (have a tiny bit of freckling/pigmentation from not wearing sunscreen) and I swear I am seeing results overnight! And it's like $20 a bottle which lasts ages... have to be careful not to use too much though, as it IS an oil... typicaly, costs me a fortune to cotton on...

Hey what do you think about those new sketchers you can get that a god-awful ugly, but are like $200 and imitate walking through sand? I'm thinking of getting some (I'm desperate and can't stop eating in my depression) but only using them under veil of darkness? haha

Need to go and ring about this agency job... will let you know how I go. Still a crappy day down here - feel like eating a mcmassive bowl of oily fries....

Soooo wanting to see the movie Precious - though I know I will be crying from go to whoa. Just looking at the poster brings tears to my eyes - how sad am I!!

How are things up there??


Monday, February 1, 2010


Miss K

Sorry I haven't written in a while, it's been Auckland Anniversary Weekend filled with pouring rain and moving sisters and gf's into their new houses. Yes I am a good sister and friend ;) Plus I have really sore arms which is great, it means I worked some muscles!!

I bet your fringe is gorgeous, mine wont even grow and it's doing my head in, considering I am a bridesmaid in 7 MONTHS. I will have to get extensions for the wedding.

Nef is great, he is so cute. Cam had this remote control helicopter and Nef could not take his eyes off it. "Copda, heeellleeeeecopda." haha

Mum and I were talking about my sisters ungrateful friend (long story) and we were saying how she wasn't so nice, then I said to mum "be careful what you say...you know who might start repeating". Mum replies" No he wont!." Followed by my nef repeating "No he wont!" Ah yes he will, and you know kids they store little things up in their chubby little brains and repeat them a few days later infront of the person you were talking about...he is like a little fat parrot!

Off home now

Thursday, January 28, 2010


So... I have half a fringe. Not in the way that I have a fringe that covers the left hand side of my face and stops at my nose (!) but more that I have one that is relatively thin and sweeps to the side of my face. I can go and get it thickened up and more blunt if I want (and she'd do it for free), but she said to let me get used to it first. So nice of her. Anyhow, I will see what Cam says tonight. I like it in certain views, but in others it looks funny. I feel like I have been dropping my head to my left shoulder witht he weight of my little fringe ;) Funny. Takes a bit to get used to. Have to stop myself from putting my fingers through it to stretch it out of my vision. Thereby leaving me with a greasy oil slick. Now I need those hot Prada sunnies I sw the other weekend (that are similar to wayfarers) to set it off!

Randomly..had to pick up some compost (!!) last night, for our garden (which is in it's early stages) - thinking I'd do Cam a favour since I was on that side of town. Do you have ANY idea how BAD compost smells?!??!!! I clearly didn't otherwise there is NO WAY I'd stick it in my wee car's boot and then leave it for a couple of hours while I get my hair done. OMG it was so bad. I don't even know what makes up compost, but it smelled BAD> so maybe (probably!) dead stuff.

Anyway, still crappy weather down here. So depressing. Amy what are your plans for the weekend? I've got a tennis lesson with a chick who is going hard OUT - I'm getting all the little digs from her and she needs to be taken down a peg. Have a minor freak out about what I do with my hair for tennis now - or moreso, what I do after... hat hair was surely better with no fringe! Then have an outdoor music day in the Park here (wrangled VIP ticket for it - woot woot) then on Sunday am out to Cam's sisters place in the country - they asked me to come up with some colour options for painting their house exterior... and in between times have 4 walls that somehow didn't get painted yet are skody and desperately need it. So lots on - nothing terribly exciting though :) And MUST whip my thighs into a trot around the park somewhere in there too.

How was it having the nef for the night? Did his teta ask him how his first week at kindergarten went? Toooo cute ;)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010


OMG sooo cute! God I wish I was exotic - I want to be croatian :) I can totally see why you want to keep his chubbiness in bed with you - he is such the quintessential little baby cupid, that nephew of yours! You should post a pic. You know I want to eat him all up... (see comment below about my appetite)

Very impressed about a) Cam's completeing a duathlon and b) your polishing off a burger! True though - there's something about exercising vicariously- the stress and anticipation of being Cam's "training support haha" is tiring and hungry work! So it's only natural that you were ravenous. Have I told you that my Cam has been known to be so stupid as to tell me that he has never met any girl with an appetite the size of mine?!! At the time we were still courting, and I was so mortified. He (obviously) thought this was a compliment. Which it (obviously) totally wasn't. Anyhow, needless to say I'd be the first to join you in demolishing half a cow!

Pass on my congrats to Cam though - that's awesome! I just got back from a wee walk at lunchtime - for once the sun is shining. And my legs are suffocating in my pants - don't you HATE it when you haven't worn said pants for a few weeks, then put them on only to be slapped with the realisation you have expanded pretty much overnight? Depression. I will have to make time for a run tonight :(

Off to get my hair done tonight after work. Usually I spend mega amounts on ensuring my hair is as close to looking effortlessly perfect in colour (and have been known to go back 3 times after one heavy handed approach) but earlier mentioned wing chair has put paid to the space on tmy credit card and anyway, my New Year's resolution was not to spend so much on my hair (no, the irony that I have been spending so much money to get my hair to look like nothing's been done is not lost on me!). Anyway, long story short, will I get a fringe, or will I chicken out??!!!!

x K


So my Cam did a Duathalon last night, down at Kohi beach, it was 24 degrees, gorgeous night. I quickly rushed home from work, grabbed the Mini and Jemima, (Mouse stayed at home) and drove down to watch.

I met up with our friends down there and their dogs and we watched him come out of the water. I must admit, it was a bit of a turn on seeing your man running out of the water. I bought him an Orca outfit for his birthday last week and I cannot tell a lie it looked quite delish! haha.

So anyway I think I might do the next one in 2 weeks time. I've started walking every lunchtime with a girl from work, yesterday we did 7 kms around the outskirts of town. I say all this but after I watched Cam do his thing last night I went and had Burger Fuel and Movenpick to celebrate. I even said to our table that I could eat another one, they all laughed but I actually meant it. I had to have a ciggarette to stop myself.

I have my nephew for the night tonight, I just called Cam and told him, he said " Is he going to be sleeping in his cot?' I said "Yeah, sure he is!". He isn't, he will be sleeping with us. I love having his little cute chubbiness curled up into me when he stays over. And he always wakes up in the morning giggling. Did I tell you he calls me "Teta"? It's aunty in croatian, pretty sweet really. I want my own baby.


Monday, January 25, 2010

A long way to go....

Miss A, you are right :( But people need to learn not to judge a book by it's cover... so to speak. Although we both know looks DO matter. Which begs the question why you've put that profile pic up... what were you thinking? Me and my double chin (no so affectionately named) "Douglas" are not shown in the only flattering light available (pitch black)... Wonder if we can google "most effective colours & blog designs" and see what comes up? I'll do that and see.

Mean time, weather sucks down here - seriously, might as well be in the middle of winter. Except even then there is no snow around.. so it's worse than winter here. I definitely subscribe to that whole "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or whatever it
s called. You know what I mean though - people who get depressed if it's a grey day and are happy if it's blue skies? I'm in danger of becoming clinically depressed - has been 3 weeks of greyness and NZ, we here suppposed to be in the middle of Summer! (I don't even have the excuse that I am in Auckland ;)

Anyhow, so I moved over the weekend. Yep, moving sucks at the best of times - but you guessed it, even moreso when it's torrential rain and everything gets wet, and you tread mud into your carpet as your poor lady arms are straining with lifting jobs that really only men should be doing... I sulked quite a bit until I realised we were all moved and everything was just so and looking much better in place. Is not the flashest by any stretch (it's an old slightly grotty 1950's weatherboard) but as they say, home is where the heart is. And it helps that we have natural light now and room to swing a small cat. No more getting under Cam's feet and no more antagonising each other - much more room to just potter around. Can't believe how much I missed that!

So took yesterday off work to celebrate as you know - and went and maxed out my credit card on buying a new old-school wing chair - big old leather thing (though it's new - can't afford the proper old-school thing) but I don't think it looks cheap (you know how some pass-offs look so bad). Anyhow, Cam had a fit when I even suggested I saw this cool chair - said we couldn't afford it etc but it was his first day at work yesterday (woot woot - hopefully not too much longer on struggle street) (and yes, we are probably on struggle street cos I keep splurging on non-essentials)... anyhow, I was so excited and so liberated (literally, I wasn't at work, remember?!) and I just couldn't bear it - before I knew it, I'd whipped out the trusty plastic and that fake leather smell was mine ;) Well, it was half price so it was a bargain. So it's going to be my reading chair. It gets delivered today I think - I hope I make it home before Cam arrives home... If I'm sitting in it he might not even realise it's a new chair? Haha.

We will just have to starve till next pay-day (which isn't for another 2 and a half weeks - not counting the rest of this week)... which won't exactly be a bad thing. Still trying to lose the rest of the turkey from Xmas that persists on hanging on to my thighs for dear life. Though, funnily enough, for all the times I tell you I will be starving due to having no money, I never actually seem to make good on the staving pledge?!! Good old kylie always manages to find some cash for coffees and food.

Speaking of food, Amy, the foodee you are, I was a good girl today and brought a home made salad. How is it that I can't even master making a salad??!!!! I ate the one I made - turns out chucking half a corn cob into the top of the salad (1 x containter, killing two birds with one stone) is not advisable. For want of carting an extra container to work, all my salad tasted (in hindsight - you know I gorge myself on food, any kind of food so that anyone who didn't know or see me would think I'm literally starving, and then ask questions later) like corn. Gross. Corn flavoured lettuce. Corn flavoured Capsicum... ugh! I mean, who actually manages to stuff up a SALAD??!!!!!! (don't answer that..)

Anyway, have procrastinated enough for today - still thinking I might take up Cam's tempting offer of staying at home now he has a job to have a baby - and maybe work in retail.... is that a cop out? So over work.......