Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Work Treadmill - what's with that?!

Don't worry Miss A, you could forgive me for being slack myself. But then that is actually incorrect, as it's just been crazy-busy here at work. So depressing, I have brain cells dying at a rate of knots each and every day. It's all I can do not to slam my forehead down into the (sharp) edge of my desk so that a) for once, something exciting happens here at work and b) someone takes me to the Hospital to spend the rest of the day. At least there'd be plenty of action there, and I could sit quite happily with massive indentation across my forehead like a gory mono-brow watching contentedly. I hate to be the downer, and I know I've moaned (probably whinged is more applicable) to you for ages about this, but I just. can't. take. it. any. more.

I've started cleaning up my outlook and archiving other folders, in anticipation of the day I walk out of this place - you know, trying to practice that whole Secret philosophy. Though my desk is pretty bare already (given I've been packing up for a few months now! ha-ha!). Anyone who walked in here and saw me/my desk would know I've checked-out...

There is a job going at a boutique advertising agency down here as Project Manager - looks cool, in a great location in the city and they have a 3-legged golden retriever as the HR-slash-receptionist!! I am going to apply, and am also investigating picking up an Interior Design Diploma part time over the next couple of years. Like I said, it's time for action, but so difficult when it's not clear to you what you need to do! You're supposed to do your passion, but isn't it sad when you don't actually know what that is? I have lots of little passions, but can't decide which to focus on...

So cute - yes you are right, your nef will be a SPONGE right now - god help me for any children I might have! Speaking of which, had a very vivid dream the other night about having a baby. Was weird, but cool - the best thing was, I had it (was themost gorgeous smiley girl - lucky it didn't have teeth like that baby in the last Twilight book - hahaha - I looked!!) and my dream totally skipped the labour part - skipped from being preggers totally to a wee 8 month old! I told Cam and he has been calling my bluff "well, if you really seriously want to have a baby, we can have one" "but you need to remember you can't give it back or sell it or anything... you have to be beholden to it for life" - it's funny, the moment you know you can, you start finding excuses why you can't? Having a house would be a good start.... and having a partner with a well-paid job...

Must say, am loving Redken's Anti-Snap - brilliant! You know how I spent heaps of $ on microdermabrasion to try and look more youthful and fresher? Well, I have been using bio-oil on my face to try and sort out my tone (have a tiny bit of freckling/pigmentation from not wearing sunscreen) and I swear I am seeing results overnight! And it's like $20 a bottle which lasts ages... have to be careful not to use too much though, as it IS an oil... typicaly, costs me a fortune to cotton on...

Hey what do you think about those new sketchers you can get that a god-awful ugly, but are like $200 and imitate walking through sand? I'm thinking of getting some (I'm desperate and can't stop eating in my depression) but only using them under veil of darkness? haha

Need to go and ring about this agency job... will let you know how I go. Still a crappy day down here - feel like eating a mcmassive bowl of oily fries....

Soooo wanting to see the movie Precious - though I know I will be crying from go to whoa. Just looking at the poster brings tears to my eyes - how sad am I!!

How are things up there??


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