Monday, January 25, 2010

A long way to go....

Miss A, you are right :( But people need to learn not to judge a book by it's cover... so to speak. Although we both know looks DO matter. Which begs the question why you've put that profile pic up... what were you thinking? Me and my double chin (no so affectionately named) "Douglas" are not shown in the only flattering light available (pitch black)... Wonder if we can google "most effective colours & blog designs" and see what comes up? I'll do that and see.

Mean time, weather sucks down here - seriously, might as well be in the middle of winter. Except even then there is no snow around.. so it's worse than winter here. I definitely subscribe to that whole "Seasonal Affective Disorder" or whatever it
s called. You know what I mean though - people who get depressed if it's a grey day and are happy if it's blue skies? I'm in danger of becoming clinically depressed - has been 3 weeks of greyness and NZ, we here suppposed to be in the middle of Summer! (I don't even have the excuse that I am in Auckland ;)

Anyhow, so I moved over the weekend. Yep, moving sucks at the best of times - but you guessed it, even moreso when it's torrential rain and everything gets wet, and you tread mud into your carpet as your poor lady arms are straining with lifting jobs that really only men should be doing... I sulked quite a bit until I realised we were all moved and everything was just so and looking much better in place. Is not the flashest by any stretch (it's an old slightly grotty 1950's weatherboard) but as they say, home is where the heart is. And it helps that we have natural light now and room to swing a small cat. No more getting under Cam's feet and no more antagonising each other - much more room to just potter around. Can't believe how much I missed that!

So took yesterday off work to celebrate as you know - and went and maxed out my credit card on buying a new old-school wing chair - big old leather thing (though it's new - can't afford the proper old-school thing) but I don't think it looks cheap (you know how some pass-offs look so bad). Anyhow, Cam had a fit when I even suggested I saw this cool chair - said we couldn't afford it etc but it was his first day at work yesterday (woot woot - hopefully not too much longer on struggle street) (and yes, we are probably on struggle street cos I keep splurging on non-essentials)... anyhow, I was so excited and so liberated (literally, I wasn't at work, remember?!) and I just couldn't bear it - before I knew it, I'd whipped out the trusty plastic and that fake leather smell was mine ;) Well, it was half price so it was a bargain. So it's going to be my reading chair. It gets delivered today I think - I hope I make it home before Cam arrives home... If I'm sitting in it he might not even realise it's a new chair? Haha.

We will just have to starve till next pay-day (which isn't for another 2 and a half weeks - not counting the rest of this week)... which won't exactly be a bad thing. Still trying to lose the rest of the turkey from Xmas that persists on hanging on to my thighs for dear life. Though, funnily enough, for all the times I tell you I will be starving due to having no money, I never actually seem to make good on the staving pledge?!! Good old kylie always manages to find some cash for coffees and food.

Speaking of food, Amy, the foodee you are, I was a good girl today and brought a home made salad. How is it that I can't even master making a salad??!!!! I ate the one I made - turns out chucking half a corn cob into the top of the salad (1 x containter, killing two birds with one stone) is not advisable. For want of carting an extra container to work, all my salad tasted (in hindsight - you know I gorge myself on food, any kind of food so that anyone who didn't know or see me would think I'm literally starving, and then ask questions later) like corn. Gross. Corn flavoured lettuce. Corn flavoured Capsicum... ugh! I mean, who actually manages to stuff up a SALAD??!!!!!! (don't answer that..)

Anyway, have procrastinated enough for today - still thinking I might take up Cam's tempting offer of staying at home now he has a job to have a baby - and maybe work in retail.... is that a cop out? So over work.......

1 comment:

  1. Whoa - that was far too long..... note to self: keep blog posts short..... Kylie, you are not interesting. Deal with it. x
