Wednesday, January 27, 2010


OMG sooo cute! God I wish I was exotic - I want to be croatian :) I can totally see why you want to keep his chubbiness in bed with you - he is such the quintessential little baby cupid, that nephew of yours! You should post a pic. You know I want to eat him all up... (see comment below about my appetite)

Very impressed about a) Cam's completeing a duathlon and b) your polishing off a burger! True though - there's something about exercising vicariously- the stress and anticipation of being Cam's "training support haha" is tiring and hungry work! So it's only natural that you were ravenous. Have I told you that my Cam has been known to be so stupid as to tell me that he has never met any girl with an appetite the size of mine?!! At the time we were still courting, and I was so mortified. He (obviously) thought this was a compliment. Which it (obviously) totally wasn't. Anyhow, needless to say I'd be the first to join you in demolishing half a cow!

Pass on my congrats to Cam though - that's awesome! I just got back from a wee walk at lunchtime - for once the sun is shining. And my legs are suffocating in my pants - don't you HATE it when you haven't worn said pants for a few weeks, then put them on only to be slapped with the realisation you have expanded pretty much overnight? Depression. I will have to make time for a run tonight :(

Off to get my hair done tonight after work. Usually I spend mega amounts on ensuring my hair is as close to looking effortlessly perfect in colour (and have been known to go back 3 times after one heavy handed approach) but earlier mentioned wing chair has put paid to the space on tmy credit card and anyway, my New Year's resolution was not to spend so much on my hair (no, the irony that I have been spending so much money to get my hair to look like nothing's been done is not lost on me!). Anyway, long story short, will I get a fringe, or will I chicken out??!!!!

x K

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