Thursday, January 28, 2010


So... I have half a fringe. Not in the way that I have a fringe that covers the left hand side of my face and stops at my nose (!) but more that I have one that is relatively thin and sweeps to the side of my face. I can go and get it thickened up and more blunt if I want (and she'd do it for free), but she said to let me get used to it first. So nice of her. Anyhow, I will see what Cam says tonight. I like it in certain views, but in others it looks funny. I feel like I have been dropping my head to my left shoulder witht he weight of my little fringe ;) Funny. Takes a bit to get used to. Have to stop myself from putting my fingers through it to stretch it out of my vision. Thereby leaving me with a greasy oil slick. Now I need those hot Prada sunnies I sw the other weekend (that are similar to wayfarers) to set it off!

Randomly..had to pick up some compost (!!) last night, for our garden (which is in it's early stages) - thinking I'd do Cam a favour since I was on that side of town. Do you have ANY idea how BAD compost smells?!??!!! I clearly didn't otherwise there is NO WAY I'd stick it in my wee car's boot and then leave it for a couple of hours while I get my hair done. OMG it was so bad. I don't even know what makes up compost, but it smelled BAD> so maybe (probably!) dead stuff.

Anyway, still crappy weather down here. So depressing. Amy what are your plans for the weekend? I've got a tennis lesson with a chick who is going hard OUT - I'm getting all the little digs from her and she needs to be taken down a peg. Have a minor freak out about what I do with my hair for tennis now - or moreso, what I do after... hat hair was surely better with no fringe! Then have an outdoor music day in the Park here (wrangled VIP ticket for it - woot woot) then on Sunday am out to Cam's sisters place in the country - they asked me to come up with some colour options for painting their house exterior... and in between times have 4 walls that somehow didn't get painted yet are skody and desperately need it. So lots on - nothing terribly exciting though :) And MUST whip my thighs into a trot around the park somewhere in there too.

How was it having the nef for the night? Did his teta ask him how his first week at kindergarten went? Toooo cute ;)


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